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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Koh Samui: Lazy sunny days.... well day

Koh Samui is a tropical paradise.
View from the bar

We arrived on the island and were greeted by white sand beaches and a balmy breeze. A short Tuk-Tuk ride from the ferry dock to Lamai beach on the west side of the island and we were in our own personal paradise. Paradise in the form of the Samui Beach Resort.

The resort was just a block or two off the main drag along Lamai beach. Comprised of an assortment of buildings, built around a garden area, complete with Buddha statues and a path to the beach. By far the best part of the resort was the ocean-view bar and restaurant. And if for some reason the ocean wasn't enough water for us or we wanted to avoid salty hair, there was also a private pool alongside the bar.

The bar was our first destination after jumping out of our travel clothes and into our bathing suits. The manager/bartender was a German expat who spoke excellent English. Which was great because after that long day of travel, I just wanted a kamikaze.

The rest of that first evening and next day are mostly a blur of sun, ocean, books, and booze on the beach.

Manda and I "exploring"
Mostly I remember the ocean breeze from my shady seat under a beach umbrella.

There was definitely some sun burning of my poor pale Seattle-ite body (even though I applied sun block, I'm not used to the intense Thai sun). Manda tanned like a goddess (typical). Freckles covered Monica, a nod to her Irish heritage.

There was some exploration of some famous landmarks, Hin Ta and Hin Yai, also known as Grandpa and Grandma rocks. So called because they look like genitalia. There were a lot of giggling tourists about on the rocks above the water. Instead of approaching from land like mortals, we took a scenic sea route. I.e. we swam up to the base of the rocks and then scrambled up them in our swimsuits. It's much more fun that way!
Monica, "sea kayaking is relaxing!"

There was even sea kayaking. At least a little. Manda and I gave that up pretty fast; preferring the shade near the bar. But Monica kept at it until she had a blister. Crazy girl, this was supposed to be relaxing!

But there was a lot of relaxation.

All in all, Lamai beach is the perfect beach to just sit with a good book and relax. Beautiful sunrises, clear blue water, nice breeze, alcohol within a couple meters.

....Not that we got to enjoy any of those things for more than 24 hours. No.

No, by 10am the second day we were up in the dry hills in the middle of the island (where there is no breeze), surrounded by smelly Durian fruits and other sweaty tourists. All because Monica cannot be bothered to sit on the beach and relax for more than a day.

But such an epic story deserves its own post.

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