Welcome to my madness. If you stay I may throw you a feast.

Monday, September 12, 2011

First Order of Business

Me on a good day
Who is the Mad Queen? I'm Liz. A senior at the University of Washington, who is studying geologic oceanography. A crunchy granola Washingtonian, who prays for rain in the summer. A fledgling hiking and camping enthusiast, who wishes she had car to escape down highway 2 more often.

I've got an opinion on everything, hundreds of stories to tell and a VERY full final year coming up. Which is why I decided to blog. First as an outlet to the piles of course work i'm going to have, expect some whining about phytoplankton species and marine carbon cycles. Second as a discussion (rant) board with myself. And third as a white page blank for stories involving adventures, expect one on Yellowstone Nation Park Road Trip.

I also occasionally try my hand at cooking with my best friend Sydney, which generally creates a gigantic mess in the kitchen. We write about our cooking adventures (and mistakes) at Cloud City Cooks.

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